Getting Involved With Our School Community

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Parent involvement in the school community is vital to our success. 

We expect parents to volunteer time each school year it’s not a chore but an opportunity to have fun while strenghtening our community! 

Your unique background and talents can contribute to our diverse mosaic of Students, Parents, Faculty and Staff,

There are many ways to fulfill your volunteering requirements including :

  • Room Parents
  • Teacher aides
  • Clerical Help
  • Field Trip Chaperones

Volunteers must meet certain guidelines for these positions. Please review the Volunteering at the School section of our Parent Student Handbook.

The Handbook can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here.

Other volunteering opportunities are available including helping out with events – setting up, event chaperoning, clean-up.

We have an online Volunteer Sign-up!

The St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parents’ Club is a great way to become involved. The Club sponsors many events both during school hours (e.g. Teacher Appreciations) and out-of-school hours (e.g. Fairs and Festivals booths).

Visit our Parents’ Club section to see how you can join up.

We have a Facebook presence at St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish and School Facebook which is an excellent way to keep up on happenings and to see volunteering opportunities.

The St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parents’ Club has a separate Facebook presence. This is a private group for parents of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity students.

Visit St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parents’ Club Facebook to register and participate.

We have found that being involved with the community leads to the success of the school but leads to many social and friendship opportunites!



After School Programs


Years Established

Get In Touch

6040 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646

(773) 763-7080
Fax: (312) 585-7219

School Hours:
Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm